Ricardo Chavez, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Socorro Casas, Administrative Secretary Lily Flores, Clerk III
(661) 721-5000 ext. 00131 (661) 721-5000 ext. 00162
scasas@duesd.org lflores@duesd.org
Eva Gutierrez, Credentials/Certificated Estefania Guzman, Clerk III
(661) 721-5000 ext. 00168 (661) 721-5000 ext. 00130
egutierr@duesd.org eguzman@duesd.org
Maria Navarro, Personnel Technician
(661) 721-5000 ext. 00161
Department of Human Resources
Business Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed during the Holidays!
1405 12th Avenue
Delano, CA 93215
Office (661) 721-5000 Ext. 00162
Fax (661) 721-5014