- Delano Union School District
- Internet Information and Availability
Internet & WiFI
Getting Internet Access: Available Plans
Access: Telecom and Data Companies Extending Services
Internet For All Now: The California Emerging Technology Fund has provided access to affordable offers, as well as a number to call 1-844-841-INFO (4636) to assist parents: http://www.internetforallnow.org/get_affordable_internet_today.
The following table contains special offers extended by various providers throughout the state.
Provider COVID-19 Response Contact AT&T No termination regardless of ability to pay, waive late payment fees due to inability to pay, and keep public Wi-Fi hotspots open for those who need them.
- Up to $10 per month (plus taxes)
- 10 Mbps
- No term commitment
- No deposit
- No installation fee
https://accessatt.solixcs.com/#/home Comcast/Xfinity New customers who sign up for Internet Essentials will receive 60 days of free internet service, increase speeds from 15/2 to 25/3, 40 hours of Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots per month and open on an unlimited basis.
- Internet Essentials Free to New Customers
- Xfinity Wi-Fi Free For Everyone
- Pausing Our Data Plan
http://www.comcastcorporation.com/COVID-19/ Cox New customers will receive their first month of service free. Offer available through May 12, 2020. Remote customer service support at no charge between now and May 12, 2020.
- $9.95 per month (plus taxes)
- 10 Mbps
- No term commitment
- No deposit
- No installation fee
https://www.cox.com/residential/internet/connect2compete.html Spectrum/Charter Charter Communications, Spectrum’s parent company, announced Friday that beginning March 16, it will make its services available for free for 60 days to households with K–12 and/or college students who do not already have internet through the company.
- Free Internet modem
- High-speed Internet at 30 Mbps
- No data caps
- No contracts
https://www.spectrum.com/browse/content/spectrum-internet-assist Sprint Sprint announced the following general: For the next 60 days:
- No disconnects or late fees
Starting on Tuesday, March 17:
- Complimentary international calling rates from the U.S. to countries defined by the CDC as Level 3.
By Thursday, March 19:
- Metered data plans receive unlimited data for 60 days
- Additional 20GB of mobile hotspot data per month for 60 days
Coming soon:
- Mobile hotspot-capable handsets who do not have mobile hotspot today will receive 20GB per month for 60 days
For 1 Million Project Foundation participants only:
- Data allotment per student increased to 20GB each month from now through June 30, 2020
https://newsroom.sprint.com/covid-19-updates-sprint-responds.htm T-Mobile The following refers to the next 60 days:
- Current customers will have unlimited smartphone data (excluding roaming)
- An additional 20GB of mobile hotspot / tethering service
- Extra free data up to 5GB of data per month
For parents that do not have WiFi at home, below are links to WiFi locations or Internet Services for free or Paid
Free WiFi:
You can also put in an address, and it will list the nearest one.
Great resource DSL Broadband Services
ALSO, below is more information for alternative low income paid services.
One or more members of your household must be a recipient of one of the following assistance programs:
- National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
- Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the NSLP
- Supplemental Security Income (for applicants age 65+ only)
*Spectrum is providing free Internet for those needing services in response to the school closures.